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Quality of life assessment : its integration in rehabilitation care through a model of daily living

SCAND J REHABIL MED , 2000, vol. 32, n° 3, p. 104-110
Doc n°: 96376
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : JF - QUALITE DE VIE

To integrate quality of life assessment with rehabilitation care, some correspondence is required between the concepts of quality of life and of rehabilitation. A notion of quality of life is presented in which quality is conceived as degree of goodness, and life as daily living. Rehabilitation is considered both a process of adaptation and assistance to that process. These notions of quality of life and of rehabilitation can together be operationalized through a model of daily living. An individual's appraisal of his own situation in relation to adaptation can be explained, assuming a hierarchy of internal standards. Explaining appraisal by others requires external standards. Both types of appraisal are important grounds for decisions regarding assistance. In addition, general ideas on justification of rehabilitation as assistance may influence such decisions. The model integrates both objective and subjective appraisal and ideas on justification into rehabilitation, thereby offering opportunities for theoretical underpinning of the practice.

Langue : ANGLAIS

Identifiant basis : 2000212293

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