75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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A technique to train finger coordination and independence after stroke

Finger coordination and independence are often impaired in stroke
survivors, preventing them from performing activities of daily living. We have
developed a technique using a robotic interface, the HandCARE, to train these
functions. METHOD: The Hand Cable-Actuated REhabilitation (CARE) system can
assist the subject in opening and closing movements of the hand, and can be
adapted to accommodate various hand sizes and finger shapes. RESULTS: Two
game-like exercises have been developed, which use a motivating approach to
promote recovery of finger coordination and independence. Mathematical measures
have been implemented to evaluate these functions. This technique is validated
with two post-stroke subjects who practiced for 20 minutes twice a week during
eight weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The results show significant improvements in finger
coordination, force modulation as well as finger independence.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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