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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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A comparison of hip joint centre localisation techniques with 3-DUS for clinical gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy

Functional calibration techniques have been proposed as an alternative to
regression equations for estimating the position of the hip within the pelvic
co-ordinate system for clinical gait analysis.
So far validation of such
techniques has focussed on healthy adults. This study evaluated a range of
techniques based on regression equations or functional calibration procedures
techniques in 46 children representative of those attending a major clinical gait
analysis service against previously validated 3-D ultrasound techniques for
determining the hip joint centre. Best agreement with ultrasound for the position
of the hip within the pelvic coordinate system was found for the Harrington
equations (mean 14 mm, sd 8 mm). Sphere fitting (mean approximately 22 mm, sd 11
mm) performed better than transformational techniques applied locally (mean
approximately 33 mm, sd 12 mm) or globally (mean=30 mm, sd 14 mm). The
participants with cerebral palsy showed reduced range of movement compared with
healthy adults. Differences between these results and studies modelling the
effects of simulated noise on functional techniques can probably be attributed to
differences between that noise and the soft tissue displacements that are actually occurring.
CI - Copyright (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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