75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Transfer of tactile input from an artificial hand to the forearm : experiments in amputees and able-bodied volunteers

This study explores the possibilities of transferring peripheral tactile
stimulations from an artificial hand to the forearm skin. METHOD: A tactile
display applied to the forearm skin was used to transfer tactile input to the
forearm from various locations on a hand displayed on a computer screen.
Discernment of location, levels
of pressure and a combination of the two in
simulated functional grips was tested to quantify the participants' ability to
accurately perceive the tactile stimulations presented. Ten participants (5
forearm amputees and 5 able-bodied volunteers) unfamiliar with the equipment
participated in the three-stage experiments comprising a learning session with
vision, a reinforced learning session without vision and a validation session
without vision. RESULTS: The location discernment accuracy was high in both
groups (75.2% and 89.6% respectively). The capacity to differentiate between
three different levels of pressure was also high (91.7% and 98.1% respectively in
the two groups). Recognition of simulated grip was slightly more difficult with
the groups scoring 58.7% and 68.0% respectively for accuracy in the validation session. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that it is possible, following a
brief training period, to transfer tactile input from an artificial hand to the
forearm skin. The level of accuracy was lower for the more complex task,
simulated grip recognition, possibly because this represents a more complex task
requiring higher order brain functions. These results could form the basis for
developing sensory feedback in hand prostheses.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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