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Qualities of a French version of the Wolf Motor Function Test = Qualités de la version française du Wolf motor function Test

There are currently a small number of standardized tools in French
that measure and compare the effect of constraint-induced movement therapy, or
other recent therapies promoting motor recovery OBJECTIVE:
To create a French
version of the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and assess its reliability,
minimal detectable change, and criterion validity.
METHOD: Prospective
multicenter repeated-measure design with 44 patients with post stroke
hemiparesis. A French Version of the WMFT was created; it was then assessed
against the Fugl Meyer Assessment-Upper Extremity (French version) to establish
its reliability, the minimal detectable change and its validity. RESULTS:
Inter-rater reliability was very good. Reproducibility of the scores was good.
Cronbach alpha coefficients showed adequate internal consistency. The minimal
detectable change (MDC95%) for functional ability scores was below 10% of the
highest possible score; the MDC95% for performance time was very high at more
than 90seconds. Criterion validity was good. CONCLUSION: The French version of
the WMFT is reliable and valid. The test shows promise for use as an objective
outcome measure for people post stroke in French speaking countries.
CI - Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
- WMPT - Récupération motrice - Mesure


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