75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Exercise interventions, gait, and balance in older subjects with distal symmetric polyneuropathy

Older patients with a distal symmetric polyneuropathy are at markedly
increase risk for falls and fall-related injuries. Despite this, few studies have
investigated the effect of exercise regimens on gait and balance in this
high-risk group. DESIGN: One hundred older patients with distal symmetric
polyneuropathy were randomized to one of three interventions: functional balance
training, Tai Chi, or education-only control. The subjects in each group received
instruction in ten 1-hr weekly sessions. Outcome measures were determined at
baseline and the end of the 10-wk intervention. Gait, balance, and falls
self-efficacy were assessed with various well established clinical (Berg Balance
Scale, 8 Foot Up and Go Test, and Modified Falls Efficacy Scale) and
laboratory-based measures (three-dimensional gait analysis and NeuroCom limits of
stability and sensory organization tests). RESULTS: The Tai Chi subjects
demonstrated a decreased (faster) Timed Up and Go and increased stride length and
time spent in single limb support at the end of intervention as compared with
baseline. The functional balance training group demonstrated a significant
increase in ankle plantar flexor power and near significant decreases in step
width and step width variability. No changes in the education-only control group
were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Older patients with distal symmetric polyneuropathy
may benefit from Tai Chi and/or functional balance training, with the former
improving functional mobility and gait and the latter possibly improving trunk
stabilization and forward progression (Lythgo N, Cofre LE: Relationship between
ankle plantar flexor power and EMG muscle activity during gait. 30th Annual
Conference of Biomechanics in Sports [Melbourne, 2012]. Available at:
https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/cap/article/viewFile/5320/4891). Whether these
laudable changes can be maintained or translate into decreased risk for falls and
fall-related injuries is unknown.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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