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Comparison of neuropsychological rehabilitation techniques for unilateral neglect : an ABACADAEAF single-case experimental design

NEUROPSYCHOL REHABIL , 2014, vol. 24, n° 3-4, p. 382-399
Doc n°: 169344
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1080/09602011.2013.872041
Descripteurs : AD68 - NEGLIGENCE

Unilateral neglect is a debilitating attentional disorder whereby patients fail
to report, respond or orient to information presented on one side of space.
Previous studies have demonstrated improvements in neglect symptoms using
rehabilitation techniques, such as anchoring or limb activation. We investigated
the effectiveness of five interventions in reducing the unilateral neglect
observed in patient F.P. A single-case ABACADAEAF design was used to investigate
the effectiveness of musical stimulation (B), anchoring (C), vibratory
stimulation (D), limb activation (E), and anchoring and vibratory stimulation
combined (F), compared to baseline (A). Severity of neglect was measured using
star cancellation, line crossing and line bisection tests. Tau-U statistical
analyses were used to investigate significant differences between conditions. All
interventions resulted in improvements in F.P.'s neglect. Anchoring (C),
vibratory stimulation (D) and the combination of these two techniques (F) led to
greatest improvements on all three tests of neglect. Musical stimulation led to
improvements on the line bisection task only. Anchoring and vibratory stimulation
were the most effective techniques for reducing neglect for this patient. Further
research is needed to investigate whether the observed gains can be sustained on
a longer-term basis, generalised to other tasks, and replicated in larger

Langue : ANGLAIS

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