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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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The effect of ice skating on psychological well-being and sleep quality of children with visual or hearing impairment

DISABIL REHABIL , 2015, vol. 37, n° 9-10, p. 783-789
Doc n°: 175079
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2014.942002
Descripteurs : AD91 - VISION, AD92 - AUDITION

Physical exercise and sports have a key role in preventing physical and
psychiatric problems in children. However, children with a disability often
experience difficulty participating in physical activity due to a lack of
suitable opportunities. Participation in an accessible sport is particularly
important for these children, but studies examining which sports are beneficial
for which disability groups are rare. In this study, we assessed the effects of
ice skating on the psychological well-being, self-concept, and sleep quality of
children with hearing or visual impairment. METHOD: Forty students (20 visually
impaired and 20 hearing impaired) aged 8-16 were included in a regular ice
skating programme for three months. We examined the sleep quality, self-concept,
and behavioural and emotional states of the children before and after
participating in the programme. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in
self-concept, behavioural and emotional problems, and sleep quality (p < 0.05 for
each) of the children with hearing impairment. Although the sleep quality (p =
0.019) and emotional problem scores (p = 0.000) of the visually impaired children
improved; self-concept, peer relations and hyperactivity scores of these children
worsened (p < 0.05 for each). CONCLUSION: Ice skating is one of the popular sport
alternatives that gives children the opportunity to exercise and have fun
together. The results of this study revealed that regular ice skating programmes
may have positive effects on the psychological well-being of children with
hearing impairment. Despite some positive effects, caution must be use when
including visually impaired children in ice skating programmes. Generalization of
the study's outcomes is limited as the study group were residential students
enrolled in special education institutions for children who are blind or deaf.
IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION: Ice skating is a community-based sport and a
popular leisure activity that can also have benefits for people with
disabilities. Ice skating and children with hearing impairment: Self-concept,
behavioural and emotional problems, and sleep quality of the children with
hearing impairment significantly improved after ice skating. Ice skating
programmes may be considered as a rehabilitation alternative for children with
hearing impairment. Ice skating and children with visual impairment: Caution must
be use when including children with visual impairment in ice skating programmes
because of possible negative psychological outcomes. Balance exercises before
starting the practices on ice should be considered for preventing some possible
negative outcomes in children with visual impairment.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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