75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Tai chi for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke patients : the patient's perspective

This study aimed at exploring the perceived benefits and drawbacks
of practicing tai chi, an alternative therapy that can be implemented in the
community, as part of upper-limb rehabilitation following stroke. METHODOLOGY:
Semistructured interviews were carried out with participants with chronic stroke
(>6 months). The participants took part in 16 tai chi sessions over 8 weeks.
Interviews were conducted in person using an interview guide based on the theory
of planned behavior (TPB), and a thematic analysis was conducted. RESULTS: Eight
interviews were carried out with participants at various stages of motor
recovery. Participants perceived a number of physical, functional, and
psychological benefits. They found tai chi to be a global exercise, including
both physical and mental aspects, and suggested that it can be included as part
of rehabilitation for stroke patients. Many participants expressed a desire to
continue practicing tai chi after completion of the study because it exceeded
their expectations, among other reasons. CONCLUSION: This study can serve to
guide future tai chi interventions and research on tai chi for rehabilitation in
terms of the characteristics of the intervention and the various areas to assess
in order to measure the overall benefits. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION Tai chi
was perceived as a good way of integrating various skills learned during
rehabilitation. Despite having different functional abilities, all the
participants noted various physical, functional, and psychological benefits from
participating in the tai chi sessions. Tai chi seems to be a form of exercise
that stroke patients would perform more long-term since all the participants in
this study expressed the desire to continue practicing tai chi.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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