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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Predicting the oxygen cost of walking in hemiparetic stroke patients

OBJECTIVE: To verify the relation between spontaneous walking speed (Sfree) and
oxygen cost of walking at Sfree (Cwfree) in post-stroke hemiparetic patients and
to test the validity of a prediction model to estimate Cwfree based on Sfree.
DESIGN: We included 26 participants (mean age 65.1 years [SD 15.7]) with mild to
moderate disability after stroke who walked at Sfree using mobility aids if
necessary for 6min. The Cwfree was measured at a stabilized metabolic rate by
indirect calorimetry with the Metamax 3B spiroergometry device. The relation
between Sfree and Cwfree was analyzed by the correlation coefficient (r) and
coefficient of determination (R2). The Cwfree prediction model was developed from
a regression equation, then tested on a second population of 29 patients (mean
age 62.1 years [SD 13.4]) with the same inclusion and exclusion criteria.
RESULTS: For the 26 participants, the Sfree and Cwfree were highly correlated
(r=-0.94 and R2=0.97), which allowed for formulating a regression equation and
developing the Cwfree prediction model based on Sfree.
The prediction model tests
yielded accurate results (mean bias -0.02mL.kg(-1).m(-1);
95% limits of agreement
-0.31 to 0.26mL.kg(-1).m(-1)). The relation between Cwfree estimated by the model
and measured by Metamax was high (R2=0.98). CONCLUSION: Cwfree was strongly
correlated with Sfree, which allowed for the development of a valid Cwfree
prediction model. A practitioner could estimate the energy expenditure of walking
for a patient without using an indirect calorimeter.
CI - Copyright (c) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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