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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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The effect of saliva on the viscosity of thickened drinks

DYSPHAGIA , 2012, vol. 27, n° 1, p. 10-19
Doc n°: 156173
Localisation : Accès réservé

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1007/s00455-011-9330-8
Descripteurs : AD35 - DYSPHAGIE

Powdered thickeners are used to modify drink consistency in the clinical
management of dysphagia. These thickeners are composed of primarily modified
maize starch; some varieties also incorporate powdered gums. Amylase is a
digestive enzyme found in saliva that initiates the breakdown of starch. To
determine the significance of this process in dysphagia management, we measured
the effects of human saliva on the viscosity of thickened drinks. Two thickeners
were studied: one comprising modified maize starch alone and one that included
additional gums. These were added to drinks with neutral and acidic pH: water and
orange juice. Two clinical scenarios were simulated: (1) the effect of saliva on
fluid as it is swallowed and (2) the effect when saliva enters a cup and
contaminates a drink. Saliva was found to reduce the viscosity of water thickened
with maize starch in both scenarios: (1) 90% reduction after 10 s and (2) almost
100% reduction in viscosity after 20 min. The thickener composed of gums and
maize starch showed a significant reduction but retained a level of thickening.
In contrast, thickened orange juice (pH 3.8) was not observed to undergo any
measurable reduction in viscosity under the action of saliva.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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