75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Effects of type and mode of propulsion on hand-cycling biomechanics in nondisabled subjects

J REHABIL RES DEV , 2011, vol. 48, n° 9, p. 1049-1060
Doc n°: 156267
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : KF6 - FAUTEUIL ROULANT

This study investigated the range of motion (ROM) (in degrees) of the upper limb
and trunk, forces (Newtons),
two-dimensional fraction effective force (FEF(2D))
(in percent), and torque (Newton meters) during hand cycling. Seven nondisabled
participants performed a 1 min exercise test at 70 rpm on a hand cycle (HC) fixed
to an ergometer in synchronous (SC) mode versus asynchronous (AC) mode and in
arm-power (AP) versus arm-trunk-power (ATP) type of propulsion. Higher (p <
0.001) flexion/extension of the trunk was found during ATP versus AP type and
higher (p < 0.001) lateral flexion and rotation of the trunk in AC versus SC
mode. The trunk ROM should explain the different force generation patterns
observed in this investigation between AC and SC modes and AP and ATP types.
However, kinetic results do not allow the most effective type or mode of
propulsion (FEF(2D): from 72.9% to 89.3%) to be established. We conclude that
trunk movement is an important parameter to consider in ergonomically optimizing
hand cycling. Nevertheless, future studies in experienced HC users, especially
with limited trunk function,
should be performed.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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