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An overview of systematic reviews of adaptive seating interventions for children with cerebral palsy

DISABIL REHABIL ASSIST TECHNOL , 2012, vol. 7, n° 2, p. 104-111
Doc n°: 157072
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/17483107.2011.595044

This article provides an overview and assessment of systematic reviews
of adaptive seating outcomes in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and proposes
strategies to advance and improve the clinical utility of future research
evidence. METHODS: A comprehensive search for systematic reviews was performed to
locate and evaluate the functional effects of adaptive seating in children with
CP. Relevant electronic databases were searched to identify reviews published
between January 1990 and December 2010. RESULTS: The search yielded five reviews
of adaptive seating interventions that found generally positive, but inconclusive
evidence of effectiveness for postural control and management, seated posture,
upper extremity function, and overall clinical outcomes. Review authors
consistently reported that they were unable to combine data from original
research studies to make sound clinical recommendations due to the low quality of
studies, the lack of appropriate outcome indicators, and the heterogeneity and
lack of clarity in population characteristics and adaptive seating interventions.
CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to improve the quality and clinical relevance of new
research evidence for adaptive seating interventions include the adoption of an
expanded view of child functioning, a child motor function classification and
development approach, and contemporary frameworks for the measurement and evaluation of assistive technology outcomes. [Box: see text].

Langue : ANGLAIS

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