75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Skill training preferences and technology use in persons with neck and low back pain

Neck pain (NP) and low back pain (LBP) are highly prevalent. Exercise
therapy helps, but effect sizes and therapy compliance remain low. Client-centred
therapy and technology use may play a role to improve therapy outcomes. To offer
technology supported rehabilitation matching patient's goals, training
preferences for rehabilitation and technology familiarity need to be known.
This study aims to (1) inventory training preferences and motives, (2)
evaluate whether these change during rehabilitation, and (3) evaluate familiarity
with using technologies, in persons with NP/LBP. METHOD: Semi-structured
interviews were conducted with regard to training preferences and usage of
mainstream technological devices. RESULTS: Persons with NP (n = 40) preferred to
train on "lifting", "prolonged sitting" and "driving a car". Persons with LBP (n
= 40) preferred to train on "household activities", "lifting" and "prolonged
walking". Motives were predominantly "ability to work" and "ability to do free
time occupations". Preferences shifted in ranking but remained the same during
rehabilitation. Participants were familiar with the surveyed technologies.
CONCLUSION: Persons with NP or LBP prefer to train on exercises supporting the
improvement of everyday life skills. They use technologies in their professional
and personal life, which may lower the threshold for the adoption of
rehabilitation technologies. Implications for rehabilitation Persons with neck
pain (NP) and persons with low back pain (LBP) prefer to train on specific
activities that limit their functional ability during daily tasks. The underlying
motives linked to preferred training activities are predominantly "being able to
work" and "being able to perform free time occupations". Persons with NP and
persons with LBP are accustomed to the use of mainstream technologies and the
integration of these technologies in rehabilitation settings seems feasible. In
order to enable technology supported rehabilitation that is client-centred,
technologies need to offer an extensive number of exercises that support
(components of) patient training preferences.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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