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Time / duration effectiveness of Sildenafil versus Tadalafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in male spinal cord-injured patients

SPINAL CORD , 2004, vol. 42, n° 11, p. 643-648
Doc n°: 116354
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe , en ligne
Descripteurs : AE21 - ORIGINE TRAUMATIQUE, AH4 - TROUBLES GENITO-SEXUELS Url : http://www.nature.com/sc/archive/index.html

A randomized, blinded, crossover clinical trial comparing sildenafil versus tadalafil for erectile dysfunction (ED) in male spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients. Objectives: To compare the safety, time/duration effectiveness, and the impact on the quality of life (QoL) of tadalafil 10 mg versus sildenafil 50 mg. Setting: Neurourology Section, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy. Methods: During a screening
(visit 1), a diary card was distributed, in which the subjects assessed, after each attempt at intercourse the quality of their erection, responding (Yes/No) to both Sexual Encounter Profile Questions 2 (SEP2) and 3 (SEP3). The subjects made at least four attempts at intercourse. At visit 2, 15 patients ( group 1) were assigned sildenafil and 15 ( group 2) started with tadalafil. Responses to baseline International Index of Erectile Function 5 items (IIEF-5), Questions 13-14 (IIEF 15 items) and SEP diary were recorded. Patients attempted intercourse on four separate occasions: within 4 h of taking the first tablet, within 12 h for the second tablet, 24 h for the third, and the fourth from 24 to 36 h. At visit 3, the investigators evaluated the effectiveness with the same measures used at baseline.
After a wash-out period, at visit 4, Group 1 was given tadalafil, and Group 2 was given sildenafil. Patients were required to observe the same criteria in taking the four tablets as in visit 2. After 4 weeks ( visit 5), we evaluated the patients as we did in visit 3. Results: Overall, 28 patients completed the study. No subjects discontinued the drugs due to drawbacks. Tadalafil allowed a majority of men in this trial to achieve both normal sexual functioning up to 24 h postdosing compared to sildenafil (P<0.01) and improved overall sex life satisfaction as well as sexual relations with partner. Conclusion: Based on these data, tadalafil may have the potential to become an important treatment option for ED in SCI patients.
This study was not sponsored.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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