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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Effect of Tai Chi on physical function, fall rates and quality of life among older stroke survivors

Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of a 12-week Tai Chi (TC) intervention on
physical function and quality of life. DESIGN: Single-blind, randomized
controlled trial. SETTING: General community. PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling
survivors of stroke (N=145; 47% women; mean age, 70y; time poststroke: 3y;
ischemic stroke: 66%; hemiparesis: 73%) who were aged >/=50 years and were >/=3
months poststroke. INTERVENTIONS: Yang style 24-posture short-form TC (n=53),
strength and range of movement exercises (SS) (n=44), or usual care (UC) (n=48)
for 12 weeks. The TC and SS groups attended a 1-hour class 3 times per week,
whereas the UC group had weekly phone calls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Physical
function: Short Physical Performance Battery, fall rates, and 2-minute step test;
quality of life: Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, Center
for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
RESULTS: During the intervention, TC participants had two thirds fewer falls (5
falls) than the SS (14 falls) and UC (15 falls) groups (chi(2)=5.6, P=.06). There
was a significant group by time interaction for the 2-minute step test
(F2,142=4.69, P<.01). Post hoc tests indicated that the TC (t53=2.45, P=.02) and
SS (t44=4.63, P<.01) groups had significantly better aerobic endurance over time,
though not in the UC group (t48=1.58, P=.12). Intervention adherence rates were
85%. CONCLUSIONS: TC and SS led to improved aerobic endurance, and both are
suitable community-based programs that may aid in stroke recovery and community
reintegration. Our data suggest that a 12-week TC intervention was more effective
in reducing fall rates than SS or UC interventions. Future studies examining the
effectiveness of TC as a fall prevention strategy for community-dwelling
survivors of stroke are recommended.
CI - Copyright (c) 2014 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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