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Evaluation of systems of grading of neurological deficit in tubercolosis of spine

SPINAL CORD , 2005, vol. 43, n° 6, p. 375-380
Doc n°: 121292
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe , en ligne
Descripteurs : AE2 - PARAPLEGIE-TETRAPLEGIE Url : http://www.nature.com/sc/archive/index.html

Prospective comparative study. Objective: To compare the efficacy of the ASIA scoring system and Tuli's classification for assessment of neurological status in a typical case of Pott's paraplegia/tetraplegia and suggest a suitable classification. Setting: Department of Orthopaedics of University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi, India. Methods: A total of 33 cases of tuberculosis of the spine with paraplegia were evaluated serially for the severity of the neurological deficit by grading systems as suggested by Tuli and ASIA score, during the course of treatment. A total of 111 readings of neurological status were recorded and analysed. Results: Tuli's grading was found to be sensitive for detection of early stage (grade I) of neurological deficit. The rest of the grades (grade II, III, IV) of Tuli's classification have a wide range of sensory-motor deficit and hence are insensitive to early detection of any deterioration/ improvement in the neurological status. The ASIA score failed to grade all types of neurological deficit associated with the Pott's spine. The sensory-motor score obtained by the ASIA scale depends on the level of involvement of the spinal cord. The higher the level of the cord damage, the poorer is the score. Conclusion: Neither Tuli's grading nor the ASIA scale alone can effectively grade all stages of neurological deficit in tuberculosis of the spine. The neurological deficit in tuberculosis of the spine should be described in stages and each stage should have sensory and motor scoring. A new staging system of Pott's tetraplegia/paraplegia is suggested. © 2005 International Spinal Cord Society. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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