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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Effects of fitness and vibration training on muscle quality : a 1-year postintervention follow-up in older men

Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the residual effects of fitness and whole-body vibration
(WBV) training in older men 1 year after completion of the interventions. DESIGN:
A 1-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of 1
year of fitness training, including combined resistance and aerobic (R+A)
training and WBV training, with a control (CON) group. SETTING: University
training center. PARTICIPANTS: Adult men (N=72) between 60 and 80 years of age.
Response rate was 80%, 92%, and 90% in the R+A training (n=20), WBV training
(n=23), and CON (n=29) groups, respectively. INTERVENTIONS: The intervention
groups exercised 3 times weekly during 1 year. The R+A training group performed a
standard training program, combining resistance exercises and aerobic training,
following the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines. The WBV training
group performed unloaded static and dynamic leg exercises on a vibration
platform. The CON group did not participate in any training program. MAIN OUTCOME
MEASURES: Muscle volume, isometric and concentric muscle strength, muscle
quality, and muscle power. RESULTS: Both interventions had resulted in comparable
increases in muscle quality characteristics. No significant changes had been
found in the CON group. During the 1-year follow-up period, the R+A (-4.05%,
P=.006) and WBV (-2.45%, P<.0001) training groups had lost most of their gains in
muscle volume. However, isometric muscle strength was preserved in the R+A
training group (+1.65%, P=.745), resulting in an increase in muscle quality
(+7.97%, P=.034). In the WBV training group, muscle power decreased (-6.10%,
P<.0001) but remained significantly higher than at baseline (P=.038). Except for
a strong decrease in muscle power, no significant changes were found in the CON
group. CONCLUSIONS: One year of R+A and/or WBV training can equally reverse the
adverse effects of aging on muscle quality in older men, but their residual
impact after follow-up is different.
CI - Copyright (c) 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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